Bo Suzuki from the show "Crayon Shin-chan", also known as Bo-chan, is one of Shin-chan's friends and classmates in the sunflower class. He's 5 years old, just like Shin-chan.
Bo-chan might look a bit slow and expressionless, but don't be fooled! He's actually quite smart. He likes things that grown-ups and artists like. He has a special interest in collecting all kinds of stones, especially the ones that look really unique.
Did you know Bo-chan has a talent? He can do tricks with the boogie (that's the little trail of mucus running down his nose). He's also really good at playing pretend, like being a pet dog or cat when they play house.
After school, Bo-chan likes to go to a store in Kasukabe where they make tatami mats. He loves watching how they make them. And guess what? Bo-chan is part of a group called the Kasukabe Defense Organization, which is pretty cool!
Even though Bo-chan speaks slowly, he's a good friend to Shin-chan and helps him out a lot. He's also friends with Masao, Kazama, and Nene. They all play together and understand each other really well.
Bo Suzuki is a special friend in Shin-chan's world, and he brings a lot of fun and surprises to the show! If you like Bo Suzuki too, read on and try to draw him!
√ Draw Bo Suzuki from Crayon Shin-chan PDF (Click to download for free.)
√ Drawing Papers (You can get it easily and I would say almost any paper can be used.)
√ Pencils / Markers / Crayons / Watercolors (Remember to use a pen with a fine tip when outlining.)
Preschoolers and kids of all ages
About 0.5 hour
How to Draw Bo Suzuki from Crayon Shin-chan Step by Step
Step 1 Outline Bo Suzuki's head.
Step 2 Complete the outline of Bo Suzuki's head.
Step 3 Draw Bo Suzuki's hair and one ear.
Step 4 Draw Bo Suzuki's eyebrows, eyes, snot and mouth.
Step 5 Draw one of Bo Suzuki's arms.
Step 6 Draw Bo Suzuki's other arm.
Step 7 Draw Bo Suzuki's body and shorts.
Step 8 Draw Bo Suzuki's legs.
Step 9 Color the cute little boy Bo Suzuki.
Guys, have you learned how to draw Bo Suzuki from Crayon Shin-chan yet?