Teen Titans Go is a 2013 cartoon television program based on DC Comics and a cartoon adaptation of the DC series Teen Titans comics. It focuses on comedic effects and adds more hilarious episodes.
Starfire is one of the main characters of Teen Titans Go, from the planet Tamaran, and is the daughter of the King of Tamaran. She is very passionate, always willing to help others, and loves all things cute, but is scary when she's angry.
She attacks by using green laser light from her eyes, balls of light from her hands, and her immense strength.
Starfire has made jokes many times because she doesn't know Earth's customs. She can learn languages through kissing, and her favorite pet is Silk.
In today's drawing tutorial, we are going to learn how to draw Starfire, a princess from an alien planet! She is not fighting at the moment and is quiet like a lady.
Have you ever seen Teen Titans Go, do you like Starfire in it, and if you like her, follow the tutorial step by step and try to draw her. She has long red hair and red pattern on her forehead.
√ Draw Starfire PDF (Click to download for free.)
√ Drawing Papers (You can get it easily and I would say almost any paper can be used.)
√ Pencils / Markers / Crayons / Watercolors (Remember to use a pen with a fine tip when outlining.)
Elementary school students
About 1.5 hour
How to Draw Starfire Step by Step
Step 1 Draw Starfire's bangs and hair.
Step 2 Outline Starfire's head. Add an ear and hair.
Step 3 Draw Starfire's thick eyebrows and big eyes.
Step 4 Draw Starfire's forehead, nose, smile and neck.
Step 5 Draw Starfire's body and hair.
Step 6 Draw Starfire's hands.
Step 7 Draw Starfire's slender legs.
Step 8 Finish Starfire's long hair.
Step 9 Patience and careful coloring for Starfire.
Guys, have you learned how to draw Starfire yet?